
“Disproportionality refers to a group’s representation in a particular category that exceeds expectations for that group, or differs substantially from the representation of others in that category. Special Education Disproportionality has been referred to as the extent to which membership in a given group affects the probability of being placed in a specific disability category. Disciplinary Disproportionality encompasses the disproportionately high rates at which students from certain racial/ethnic groups are subjected to office discipline referrals, suspensions, school arrests, and expulsion.”

— National Association of School Psychologists

Treating students equitably


Disproportionality in discipline outcomes between students of minority groups and / or those with disabilities and majority populations is a significant concern for districts across the country.

We can analyze your school- or district-level data to identify any disparities between groups in your population and make suggestions for adjustments to policies and procedures, staff actions, and codes of conduct or student handbooks.

Let us help you create solutions including:

  • Code of conduct and staff procedure revisions

  • Compliance, Fidelity and Integrity Protocols to address IEPs, FBAs, BIPs, Related Services, MDRs, Alternative Education Placement, Transition Services, Educational Benefit

  • Systems for tracking related metrics

  • Corrective Action Plans (CAPs), in necessary, to address formal complaints and / or the terms of Negotiated Settlement Agreements